About Me

My Mission is to Empower Your Life 

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

About Me

My Mission is to Empower Your Life

My Mission is to Empower Your Life

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

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I can help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

As a life coach, my goal is to help you identify your strengths, clarify your goals, and develop a plan to achieve them with guidance and support.

Personal Coaching

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Career Coaching

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“Magnes’ powerful ideas and practices for letting go of the fears that hold us back and shifting those fears into love are applicable for CEOs, entrepreneurs, sales people, school teachers, managers…in fact, they can be used by everyone who has a business or a job. In the current climate where trust and loyalty are becoming an increasingly scarce commodity, Magnes gives us exquisite insight on how to turn that around and offers a blueprint for creating the kind of success that will lead us into a deeply compassionate and sustainable future.”

Debra Poneman  Founder of Yes to Success Seminars, Inc. and CoFounder of Your Year of Miracles

“I’m so grateful for Magnes Welsh’s profound and important work of bringing heart-directed leadership into business. More than ever, our world needs love! I’m deeply impressed with Magnes’ approach to bringing love into our work that empowers us to shift our attitudes and behaviors in such a way that yield greater productivity and happiness in the workplace. Her powerful practices will uplift you and everyone you encounter – whether you work at a major corporation, a small company, a nonprofit organization or as an entrepreneur. This breakthrough method will help you to succeed and prosper in every area of your  life.”

Marci Shimoff  #1 New York Times bestselling author  & Co-founder of Your Year of Miracles

“Magnes Welsh’s Heart-Directed Leadership presentations are lively, interactive and inspirational. She weaves personal humorous stories and inspirational tips on how to bring heart into the workplace, which adds an important dimension to any conference or event. And best yet, what she shares…works!”

Steve Sisgold  Speaker and Author of What’s Your Body Telling You?

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.
