Satya Nadella: A Model for Today’s CEOs

Satya Nadella is a CEO who has achieved what so many in the business world believe can’t be done — create value for shareholders while practicing compassion and empowering employees. By leading from the heart, Microsoft’s CEO has revived the tech giant after it had suffered a string of setbacks. The more I read about Nadella, the more I believe he is a model for the leadership we need now and into the future.

He was a 20+-year veteran of the company who was considered an unlikely candidate for promotion to CEO. Soon after stepping into the role, he had all of his leaders read Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communications, the seminal blueprint for communicating in a way that empowers all involved. He promotes a growth-minded culture of “learn-it-alls” instead of the former accountability culture of “know-it-alls.”

Nadella believes people are wired to have empathy, which is critical not only for creating a harmonious work environment, but also for developing products that meet customers’ known and unarticulated needs. He empowers his teams to take risks and to set their missteps right. He sees diversity and inclusion as essential: If Microsoft wants to serve the world, it has to reflect the world.  He seeks to inspire and empower his people to work together for one Microsoft to make the company’s “dreams believable and achievable.”

So how is it going? Nadella says, “We are making great progress, but we should never be done.” The shareholders should be very happy: In less than four years, the company has generated more than $250 BILLION in market value – a feat that only a handful of seasoned CEOs can match.

Meeting Disaster With Heart

Devastating events like Hurricanes Harvey and Irma crack open our hearts in ways that would be unimaginable under ordinary circumstances. Disasters like these — whether we experience them directly or watch helplessly as those we know, or strangers we don’t know, struggle with tremendous loss — wake us up to what is really important in life. Mack, the Texas businessman I wrote about a couple weeks ago, is a shining example of leading with compassion and love. And there are shining examples all around.
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Mattress Mack Changing Lives with Incredible Generosity

The stories coming out of Texas break our hearts, and break open our hearts. Good Samaritans abound in the worst of times and Hurricane Harvey is providing boundless opportunities for showing love and compassion.

More people need to know about Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, owner of Gallery Furniture Stores who is well known for his zany commercials in the Houston area. This amazing heart-directed leader opened two stores, including his 160,000-square-foot showroom, to more than 300 evacuees. These rooms are full of clean, dry beds, comfy sofas and chairs, providing a safe place to stay or sleep.
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Meet Magnes Welsh